Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I've been feeling a sense of discontent lately.  Just as if I'm floating around without direction.  Sort of numb and not allowing myself to process all that is going around me.  There's been allot.  But I realized I need to process it.  I'm slowly letting it all in.  And as I do I find my Lord meets me there.  He shows me that although the things of this world may change He never will.  I admit I have become attached to some of the things in this world that make me feel secure.  I'm working on this.  God is faithful to show me that He is all I need.  And while the comforts of this world may be just that...He is my true Comforter.  I am writing this for me.  So I can recognize out loud what I so desperately need His grace for.  I am not able to overcome my weaknesses without Him.  And without Him I am unable to recognize them in the first place.  So I'm coming, Lord, on my knees waiting for You to show me the way.  I need You and only You.  This world has nothing for me...as the song writer wrote.  Lord You said this world is not my home.  So I will try each day to remember my eternal home and live this life as a guest.  Knowing that no matter the trial, no matter the pain, no matter the loss..you have so much more in store for us when we do come home forever.  Thank you Lord for always knowing my thoughts, for always knowing my needs, and for caring enough about the sinner that I am to hold my heart in your hands. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

One Less

Too often we get caught up in our own lives, our own struggles.  While our struggles may be great, there are always much greater struggles happening in the lives of others.  I think by reaching out of our own worlds and reaching into others we can find that helping them can also help ourselves.  We are called to serve.  While our God cares about our trials He also calls us to look into the trials of our neighbor.  What do we have that we could give?  In a world of so much need we cannot afford to be selfish.  So while I am struggling with trials of my own I am trying to look outward.  God will take care of me.  He knows my every need and it does not matter how much I worry because He has the final plan.  (pause my player at the bottom to listen to the link=)